
TCALTEK – The Present and Future of Consulting & Training

TCALTEK is an alternative professional service firm serving clients at a small fraction of the cost of traditional competitors while having top consultants with years of experience onboard helping customers achieve millions of dollars in savings. We can do that because our teams are staffed with industry gurus experienced consultants who can achieve a greater level of realism and openness to the engagement, and in turn give client more control over the methodology and outcome. This in turn help us achieve substantial savings to our customers and a reputation of being able to achieve success where others have failed. We bring expertise to clients using trusting and candid tactics to difficult business conditions.

Our Vision

Our vision is built on the premise that ours employees and clients are the pillars of our organization. Therefore, our team members strive to serve our clients by bring with them skill sets of ingenuity, perseverance, and high performance in order to deliver high quality services.

Our Strengths

We have a diverse workforce of consultants with extensive knowledge in many industries able to deliver state of the art solutions, saving organizations millions of dollars. Our core competencies consist of:

    • Academic Services in: Strategy, Marketing, Academic, Enrollment, and Retention
    • Organizational and Transformational Change Management
    • Process Re-Engineering and optimization
    • Information Technology and Enterprise Resource Mapping

Clean Approach

TCALTEK can make your engagement a seamless one where our consultants use their expertise to make sure that your operation will not disrupted by our initiatives. We have the knowledge and the know-how to make to proceed with any initiative knowing the roadmap to take and what problems we might encounter, and in turn saving your organization millions of dollars in the process.

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